Questa sono io! Rispondo ai messaggi e alle telefonate, e mi prendo cura dell’intera esperienza enogastronomica. Parlo inglese, francese e, naturalmente, italiano, che insegno, anche, agli stranieri.
Ho il pallino per i misteri e la storia antica.
E poi… ballo tango!
Luigi è il capitano di Maria Consiglia, la barca che utilizza per la pesca e le escursioni in barca.
Nato a Sperlonga, si è innamorato presto del mare e della vita all’aria aperta.
Era un ragazzino quando ha deciso di iniziare a fare un lavoro antico, lontano dalle prerogative dei giovani di oggi: il pescatore.
“Quando fai il lavoro che ti piace hai raggiunto la metà della felicità”. Questo è il suo motto!
Incontralo nel Tour del vino in barca a Sperlonga
Lei è Sara, la guida escursionistica!
Anche se è nata in riva al mare, Sara è una vera montanara.
Come guida escursionistica certificata AIGAE vi mostrerà i migliori panorami delle nostre colline e della costa dall’alto, vi mostrerà le tracce di animali misteriosi e le meravigliose varietà della nostra macchia mediterranea.
Pronti per un’escursione alle spalle di uno dei borghi marinari più belli d’Italia?
Lei sarà la vostra guida naturalistica nel WineTrek
Cucinare, per Marco, non significa solo preparare piatti gustosi.
È convinto che mangiare bene sia il primo passo per vivere un vita sana.
Per questo trascorre molto tempo alla ricerca del miglior cibo locale: il suo supermercato è all’aperto, tra contadini, fornai e pescatori.
Desidera che gli ospiti del suo Home Restaurant “A casa di Marco” a Terracina, vivano la stessa esperienza. Li porta nelle aziende agricole, al porto, direttamente dai produttori.
Si esibisce nella sua cucina e serve il pranzo, accompagnato da un buon vino locale.
Il suo motto: “La salute viene mangiando bene e… spendendo poco!”
Lo incontrerai durante il Tour del pesce a Terracina
Se vuoi fermarti per una o più notti a Sperlonga in occasione della tua esperienze enogastronomica saremo lieti di darti qualche consiglio
Ganimede Residence
(Top choice apartments).
Hotel Mayor
(Short walk from the sea, family-run, clean, excellent breakfast)
Hotel Grotta di Tiberio
(4 Stars, pool with jacuzzi, gourmet restaurant, excellent view and location)
Hotel Amyclae
(an elegant 3 star-hotel located on the beach)
Great combination! Me and my fiancée went for the Ancient Roman tour and it was perfect! First a nice historical walk through the old parts in the city of Sperlonga.... read more Then we went to the wineyard, got to learn more about the history of roman...More
Fascinating overview on the history of Sperlonga, followed by a tour of the winery and a tasting of three delicious wines accompanied by an exquisite selection of local products. Irene... read more was the best guide - thank you!
Fascinating overview on the history of Sperlonga, followed by a tour of the winery and a tasting of three delicious wines accompanied by an exquisite selection of local products. Irene... read more was the best guide - thank you!
Great experience, great tour and story in Sperlonga, nice wine yard with perfect service, food and really good wine. Irene is also a fantastic host. Thank you very much, this... read more tour is highly recommended.
I stumbled on the Amyclae Experience in Sperlonga while searching for wineries near Rome. Since we were staying nearby, this tour seemed like a perfect fit. Irena was... read more easy to communicate with, responsive, and flexible. This particular tour was in English. We started with a...More
This experience in Sperlonga is not to be missed. The Sperlonga Experience and Wine Tour with Irene was exceptional. We toured the passageways of this historical city. We were... read more thrilled to be tasting wine (delicious) from such an ancient varietal. The cheeses and meats paired so well with the wine I forgot to take pictures. The views from the winery are breathtaking. Thank you, Irene for sharing your vast knowledge and giving us such a memorable tour.
Irene was a great guide to Sperlonga - it’s history over such a long period of time
The trip to the vineyard was great with some special wine to... read more sample and some delicious food
Not to be missed, a tour with Irene . Irene put together a perfect itinerary for our visit in Sperlonga. It was mostly a walking tour but Irene was thoughtful... read more enough to reserve a taxi to get us to and from the historic district from hotel for a lovely exploration walking tour, museum visit and sunset dinner! She is very knowledgeable and informative we had a wonderful & memorable time
This was a wonderful experience from start to finish. I reached out to Irene with a laundry list of requests relating to traveling with an infant and a member of... read more our group not betting able to eat gluten, and she was immediately responsive and so helpful. She found a car seat for our baby and gave us a ride up to the winery for our tour, where they were very accommodating in providing gluten free food options. Everyone involved really went above and beyond.
Most importantly, Irene is a wonderful tour guide, deeply knowledgeable about the history of Sperlonga and the surrounding area. We learned so much during the walking tour of Sperlonga and the tour of the winery. The wine and food were also excellent. This tour would be well worth it at double the price and I highly recommend it for anyone coming to Sperlonga.